Project Management
The complexity and intensity of current project requirement has given rise to new challenges and risks that project management teams need to address.
We identified 5 key areas that are essential to develop and control for a project to be delivered successfully. i.e. Progress Controls, Building Systems Coordination, Change Management, Document Management, and Site Activity Automated Monitoring.

Scope of Services
Selecting and deployment of Design and Construction entities: By a rigorous selection process considering the level of experience financial capabilities and current standing.
Design proofing and value engineering: To ensure that the design is meeting the stakeholder requirements, and to reducing the total project costs.
Scope and variations management: To avoid any missing scope assignments and control and minimize the effect of positive variations
Planning, scheduling and progress controls.: Using project dashboards, ,progress KPI, and dynamic critical path monitoring to identify the sources of delay and devise progress mitigation mechanisms.
Technical coordination and system conflict resolution: Using Building Information Modeling to identify system conflict at every stage of the project, thus avoiding costly rework and other re-design remedies.
Change management and claim avoidance: By utilizing best practices including quantification of each change, negotiating the best and most cost effective solution with the Contracting party.
Risk management and budget control: Implementing a risk control process which involves all the parties in a joint effort to identify, quantify, them mitigate or avoid risk during each project stage.

Tools we use

FIDIC 1987, 1999, 2017
Online document management systems (such as Aconex)
Primavera P6 Project management Software
BIM software
Site crew monitoring systems
Artificial Intelligence